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    Player Related Complaint Format


    Posts : 21
    Join date : 2011-05-01

    Player Related Complaint Format Empty Player Related Complaint Format

    Post  John_Chea Mon May 02, 2011 10:37 am

    [b]Player Related Complaint Format[/b]

    Want to put a complaint on a player? Your at the right place!

    Example :
    Your in-game name : [John_Chea]
    Date when rule(s) are broken : [04/24/2011]
    Player(s) you are reporting : [John_Chea]
    Rule(s) that have been broken : [DMing]
    Story and Evidence : [Evidence + Back yourself up.]

    [color=cyan][b]Your in-game name[/b][/color] : [Name_Here]
    [color=cyan][b]Date when rule(s) are broken[/b][/color] : [Type Here]
    [color=cyan][b]Player(s) you are reporting[/b][/color] : [Type Here]
    [color=cyan][b]Rule(s) that have been broken[/b][/color] : [Type Here]
    [b][color=cyan]Story and Evidence[/color][/b] : [Type Here]

      Current date/time is Sat Sep 21, 2024 5:40 am